Physical Security Assessments (Vulnerability Assessments) 

Progressive corporations, small businesses, government agencies, school administrators, and private citizens are seeking assistance in assessing safety and security prior to any crisis situation. These proactive groups understand safety and security is no longer considered common place. Instead, progressive security concepts can be an item funded via the use of governmental grants.  Security should not be a luxury item, but a right of all people.  Progressive groups know that investing in proactive measures will help to prevent liability issues, significant property damage and loss, and other long term harm to their organizations.  Additionally, many insurance companies lower premiums for organizations having had an assessment completed. The time for preventive action is today.

Having an assessment completed for educational facilities also assists school districts in meeting certain requirements needed in order to apply for federal and state grant programs.

Violence worldwide has been increasing for many years.  As retired LTC Dave Grossman stated, “The kids who gave us Jonesboro in the middle school and Columbine in the high school are now giving us Virginia Tech in the colleges.  And this generation, steeped as it is in violent images in video games, television, and movies, will give us workplace violence in the years to come, on the same, ever escalating scale.” Do not be caught off guard. Ensure that you have proper physical security measures implemented so you can lower your liability and lessen your chances of an attack.


“On average insider fraud is equal to 7% of revenues”  Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
According to a Deloitte survey, two-third of executives expect insider crime to rise in the next two years.

Gray Ram Tactical, LLC utilizes a combination of local threats, vulnerabilities, and consequence analysis to determine what security measures should be implemented at your facility.  Current worldwide economic hardships have placed companies, schools, and governmental departments in situations where every dollar must be used to its fullest capability.  Therefore, our assessments assist you in determining what security measures to use, where to place those security measures, and help you recognize current implemented procedures and measures that could be lessened or discontinued.  Maximize your funding. 

Gray Ram Tactical, LLC will conduct an entrance interview in order to discuss issues that seem most pertinent to the facility’s officer in charge.


Assessments are conducted in various stages to fully recognize a facility’s deficiencies, and also to identify what an organization is doing correctly. Our assessment team is time efficient to ensure that there is minimal intrusion upon all employees, customers, students, teachers, etc.  We do not interrupt business operations or the educational process while conducting the assessment. Our clients’ needs and productivity are very important to us.


Gray Ram Tactical conducts an exit interview with the local officer in charge or other officials our clients would like present.  We do not give an overall assessment rating at this time, but consolidate all of our information once we return to our office.


Once all assessment information is completed, and any necessary follow up interviews or site assessments are conducted, we will provide our clients with a highly detailed assessment report. Our reports include a detailed analysis of all operating procedures including photographs.  We provide various recommendations and courses of action our clients can easily follow.  We prioritize these recommendations in order of importance so our clients can evaluate their needs and ultimately come to their own informed conclusions.  This report is provided both in written and digital format for future use. Gray Ram Tactical also conducts a detailed threat assessment for your facility and a risk analysis worksheet to be retained by our clients.

As many government buildings and facilities become harden to protect them from attacks, criminals and terrorists will move their operations to other less suspecting locations.  These softer targets, such as private companies, schools, warehouses, etc… become easy targets for them. Do not allow yourself to become an easy target.

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Gray Ram Tactical, LLC understands public and private schools are unique. They have many differences from other facilities and companies establishing security programs.  Gray Ram Tactical’s desire is to balance a rational approach to enhancing physical security concepts without displaying a “fortress” attitude or appearance. Most physical security concepts that Gray Ram Tactical recommends are aesthetically pleasing and are generally inexpensive. We also understand that there is no “cookie cutter” method to assessing any school.  Each district and school building is special and unique. We take this into consideration and recommend the implementation of those procedures that are most applicable.


These same principles hold true for corporations of all sizes. No two companies are alike and we tailor the assessment to your facility and organizational structure. Our intent is to provide you with quality recommendations that enhance your security while allowing for a smooth business operation. Gray Ram Tactical’s assessment team understands your company does not want the look or feel of a fortress. Our experience in aesthetically applicable security measures will ensure your security procedures are functional while maintaining a professional business appearance.


Economic recessions result in many adverse situations that corporations must be prepared to handle. Current employees are more tempted to steal during these times as is evident in the dramatic increase in employee theft across the country.  Employees that must be laid off are especially susceptible to these circumstances. Are your assets properly protected? Historically, it is also during these unstable financial times that corporate espionage tends to increase. Does your company have adequate protection?


Managing a business during economic hardships is a challenge. When you are considering where and when to invest specific funding, your company can save money by proper security measure implementation. Do not purchase, install, or upgrade your security equipment without first consulting with an outside, independent, and unbiased professional company.


Gray Ram Tactical, LLC also conducts new construction physical security assessments.  We are able to work with architects and review blueprints.  A detailed review approximately a third of the way into a blueprint finalization is a recommended time for consultation. This allows ample time for review and recommendations. It also allows for blueprint modifications if our clients see fit.  We continue this process through and see your facility completed.  Our prolonged involvement in construction matters ensure that a facility will be protected from threats in your area.  We ensure vulnerabilities are reduced prior to your company moving into the new facility.


If your company is looking into purchasing or installing any form of physical security equipment we recommend you contact an independent, unbiased party (like Gray Ram Tactical, LLC) prior to any purchase or installation.  Vendors and installation companies are sales agents and as such, they are looking to benefit themselves.  Gray Ram Tactical does NOT sell you any item or service.  We provide you with unbiased recommendations. Our goal is to supply you with notable information to make informed decisions regarding your physical security needs.

Physical Security Assessments help to reduce: 

  • Theft crimes

  • Vandalism crimes

  • Terrorist events

  • Active shooter events

  • Violent occurrences

  • Bomb threat disturbance

  • Kidnapping events

  • Drug activity

  • Gang activity